333 South 204th Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022

(402) 289-1104

About Peace

We Put Feet to Faith, Hand to Hope, and Legs to Love.

Who is Peace Church?

Peace Church is  a growing congregation that is committed to being actively engaged in the world through mission. We are a welcoming group offering meaningful worship, spiritual nurture, education, genuine fellowship, and opportunities to make a real difference in the community and the lives of your friends and family.

Sunday Worship

The church is open for in person worship and the service will be live-streamed to our church’s YouTube page.

  • Welcome: Come and worship with us in person in the church sanctuary every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. 
  • Attire: Please dress in whatever makes you comfortable.  
  • Offering: We are supported by gifts from our members, but you are our guest!  We do not expect you to give an offering when you visit with us.  Offerings can be left in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary, made online on our website, or mailed to the church at 333 S. 204th St., Elkhorn, NE 68022.

Youth Programs

Nursery:  You can reach the nursery by walking straight from the front doors.  You  can also reach it from the Sanctuary by using the door off the front left hand side before you reach the pulpit.  The nursery is staffed, but parents are welcome to stay.  You can hear the service in the nursery. 

  • Children’s Sermon:  Most Sunday’s during the school year, there will be a time when our young disciples are invited to come up front to hear a special Children’s Message for them.  We welcome children Kindergarten through 6th grade to come forward for the message and when this time is over they are escorted to Sunday School (Children in the nursery are brought into the sanctuary to hear the message and then return afterwards).  Parents are always more than welcome to come forward with their children.  
  • Faith Formation:(Sunday School) for children Kindergarten through 6th grade is 10:15 a.m. during the school year.  



In Gratitude to God, Empowered by the Spirit, We Serve Christ

Online Giving: Support the Mission of Peace Church

Use the button below to make a one time or recurring secure online contribution to Peace Presbyterian Church

Matthew 25

What does it mean to be a Matthew 25 church?

Jesus said what we do for “the least of these” matters. The guiding principle of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Matthew 25 Initiative is active engagement in our community, our congregation, and our world as we put feet to faith, hand to hope, and legs to love. 

The commitment to being a Matthew 25 church is a living translation of Jesus Christ, strengthening relationships, transforming our church and bringing alive our commitment to serve God’s people in our community and around the world.  

Through the Matthew 25 commitment, Peace Church will focus on building congregational vitality through intentional and continuous faith development that leads our members to actively engage with our community and world as our church demonstrates the love and justice of Jesus.

Mission Involvement

Peace Church actively supports many missions through our hands-on service and with special offerings

  • Men’s Group: Ronald McDonald House meal preparation and special service projects.
  • Hope Lodge: Meal preparation for cancer patients and their families. 
  • Presbyterian Women (PW): working for justice and peace, Quilt Ministry, Little Dresses for Africa, Personnel Care Bags for the shelter, personal care item Blessing Bags, and many other mission projects throughout the year. 
  • Crossroads Connection Offenders Ministry: Working to bridge the gap in the current penal system by helping work release and former inmates find their way back into society through caring Christian support and worship.
  • World Wide Mission Endeavors: Financial support through annual offerings for denominational mission work around the country and world.
  • Youth Mission: Various mission projects and annual mission trips by our youth including Linus  Blankets, Open Door Mission, and Urban Plunge Mission. 
  • Back to School Supply & Backpack drive supporting 402 Foster Love.
  • Annual Rummage Sale helps fund ministries of the church. 
  • Annual BIG Mission Sunday. Opportunity for hands on mission work together at the church.
  • Many other short and long term mission opportunities and commitments for children, youth and adults, locally and beyond’s needs arise.

Church Rental

The Space You Need for That Special Occasion

Weddings, funerals, birthdays, family reunions, and meetings are  some of the common events hosted at Peace Church.  We invite you to  stop in for a tour of our beautiful facility.  Rental of the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall,and classrooms is open to members and non-members.  The use of our  facilities by other denominations and outside pastoral staff for weddings and funerals is granted on a  case by case basis at our sole discretion. The Sanctuary seats 350 people.  Fellowship Hall seats 200 people for a sit down event.  Tables and chairs are provided.  Peace  Church does not provide setup or tear-down for any event.  Rates vary based upon type of event and church membership status.  Pricing for all spaces and events can be obtained by contacting the church directly.  We do require a on-site tour prior to booking an kind of an event.  

Please contact Jo Ryan in the church office at 402-289-1104 or stop by to talk to her and tour our facility.

333 South 204th Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022

(402) 289-1104

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