Fosterlove’s 2024 Back-To-School Supplies Drive

Until Monday, July 22 everyone is invited to join the Peace Youth group in collecting supplies listed below for the event. Please leave donations on the table in the foyer. Thanks for your support! ❏Crayons ❏Markers ❏Colored pencils ❏Pencils ❏Pens ❏Glue sticks ❏Pencil box ❏Folders ❏Binders ❏Erasers ❏Highlighters ❏New backpacks Foster Love’s mission is to […]

Crossroads Connection at Peace

Peace will host Crossroads Connection on Sunday, June 30. We are in need of help providing food, with meal service, and with the worship service. If you are able to help, please sign up by using the link below or the sign up sheet on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board. Contact Susan Hall with questions. […]

Covenant Group Bible Study

The Peace Covenant Group is continuing to meet during the summer on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10am in the church library. We are starting a new book this month titled "Finding God" by Laura Heikes. Contact Liz Baker or Mary McArdle for more information.

Christmas in July Service

Peace Presbyterian Church 333 South 204th Street, Elkhorn, United States

Covenant Group Bible Study

The Peace Covenant Group is continuing to meet during the summer on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10am. We are starting a new book this month titled "Finding God" by Laura Heikes. Contact Liz Baker or Mary McArdle for more information.